Stop using objective statements, stop using text boxes.
There are so many different styles of resumes. When speaking with candidates I find they all have the same questions: Did I use the correct format? Should I even use a cover letter? Is it ok if my resume is more than 1 page? How do I show experience, when I don’t have any? These are all relevant questions and below I have put together some guidelines to follow when writing your BEST RESUME EVER!
Your resume is your first impression!
Pay Extra Attention to Detail
I know what you’re thinking, that is common sense! However, we see simple mistakes all the time. After you have completed your resume and reviewed it several times. Ask a trusted colleague, mentor, or friend to review it with a fine-tooth comb. You want to make sure there are zero spelling errors, all dates align properly, and the format/fonts are consistent.
Keep it Updated
Having a current resume on hand is crucial. You should be updating your resume anytime you transition to a new position, acquire a new certification, skill set, or degree. You never know when you will need it!
One to Two Pages Max
Our attention spans are less than a goldfish and we have become busier than ever. Hiring managers do not have time to spend reviewing each line of your resume. You have approximately 10 seconds to catch their attention. The most critical information needs to be within the top 4 inches of your resume. A resume that is more than two pages will most likely get skipped over. You want your resume to have enough information to prompt a call and say little enough that you have something to discuss in the interview.
Are Objectives and Cover Letters Necessary?
Cover letters are a waste of paper and time
Unless it is specified as a requirement, don’t waste your time with a cover letter!
When objective statements are relevant
I do believe there is a time and place for objective statements. When you are making a career change; When you are explaining a long-term gap, i.e.being a stay at home mother, traveling the world. When you have just graduated college and you need to provide a clear picture of your beginning career goals.
What should I put in my resume and what order?
Well, I am glad you asked this question! I do feel a resume layout and content can be specific to the person’s experience and skill set. However, the information listed below is the bare minimum of what should be on every resume.
- Employer Info
- Dates of employment
- Responsibilities (bulleted)
- Education/Certifications
- Awards/Accomplishments
- Volunteer/Internships
Whatever you do…DON’T:
- Don’t put pictures on your resume
- Don’t use text boxes: Using them can cause format issues when the resume is being opened in different software programs.
- Don’t provide personal info: There is such a thing as oversharing on your resume! You don’t need to share a low GPA, your home address, age, marital status, height, weight or past salaries.
- Don’t be tacky on social media! Yes, this is a teaser for another blog post coming your way. But please note, your profiles will be checked! Make sure your personal media is set to private or cleaned up! LinkedIn is a great form of professional social media that can be a great tool when used correctly. Use it how it is intended!
Having a killer resume is important when trying to land the job of your dreams. Take it from a recruiter who has been on both sides – I know what your resume needs/doesn’t need. Good luck with your job search!